Saturday, September 30, 2006

Crixa Cakes: Berkeley, CA

plum and raspberry pie

Looking for a cozy corner to indulge for an afternoon? Crixa Cakes in the East Bay is your spot. This bakery, run by Elizabeth Kloian, specializes in Russian and Hungarian pastries, as well as fruit pies and intricate cakes. Nothing is overly sweet, everything's made with real butter and sugar, and a lovely dollop of whipped cream comes with most treats.

The daily specials change (check the website for updates), but my favorite is almost always on the menu: a moist ginger cake strung with fresh, spicy ginger. With a cup of strong Crixa coffee, it brightens the grayest East Bay afternoon.

Crixa Cakes
2748 Adeline Street
Berkeley, CA 94703
closed Mondays


Anonymous said...

Sounds delicious! I like desserts that aren't overly sweet. I'll try to check this place out on my next trip to Berkeley.

Anonymous said...


too bad we are on the most total opposite sides of the country

i'll just drool on my keyboard

Anonymous said...

Oh how I miss Crixa! I had to pass it on my too and from work when I lived near Piedmont/Oakland and worked by Cal Berkeley. There was always something wonderful to try and after a hard day it was a great treat--thanks for reminding me of them.

pkgift007 said...

like desserts that aren't overly sweet. I'll try to check this place out on my next trip to Berkeley. send a gift to pakistan